Piotr Podkościelny
Jerzy Pędzierski
Artur Orłowski
Daniel Gniaź
Anna Smyk
Prezes Zarządu
Krystyna Kowalik
Vice Prezes Zarządu
Bartłomiej Bieliński
Vice Prezes Zarządu
Magdalena Gruszkiewicz
Członek Zarządu
Elżbieta Smorowska
Członek Zarządu
„Dziękuję za zaproszenie do Klubu „Return”. Jest tu piękniej i serdeczniej niż w największych klubach w Polsce. To zasługa pięknych, dzielnych ludzi – tenisistów prawdziwych„.
„Return” Tennis Club was set up on 30 December 1993 on the initiative of a journalist Janusz Kawałko. At present „Return” has seven illuminated courts with a stand and a clubhouse. Training is conducted in 12 groups by 4 coaches: Czesław Czerniecki, Artur Zawiślak, Artur Orłowski and Urszula Kawałko. Since the very beginning the Club has organised many events, such as Tenisowe Mistrzostwa Polski Dziennikarzy (Polish Tennis Championships for Journalists), Mistrzostwa Polski Juniorów (Junior Polish Championships), Tenisowy Puchar Polski Dziennikarzy Radiowych i Telewizyjnych, (Polish Tennis Cup for Radio and Television Reporters), „Z Rakietą do Europy” Tournament, The NIBCO Tennis Cup as well as tournaments for doctors, teachers and power engineers. To commemorate the members of the Club who died a sudden death the Club organises Memoriał Martynki Schütz i Zuzanki Teresińskiej (The Martynka Schütz and Zuzanka Teresińska Memorial) and Tennis Tournament for Doctors – Memoriał Tomasza Teresińskiego (The Tomasz Teresiński Memorial).
The Club belongs to the 50 best tennis clubs in Poland and is one of the 3 best tennis clubs in Lublin Region, being the 4th best club in Zamość. In 1997 in UKFiT ranking „Return” was ranked 12 in Poland. In
2004 „Return” team took the 3rd place in a tournament in France. In 2005 „Return” tennis players beat TC Houdain 6:5 in a tournament in France. At first the best members of the Club were: Marcin Kwarciany, Paweł Sobczuk, Dominik Orłowski, Maciej Śnieżko, Przemysław Gawda, Sebastian Kawałko, Jakub Gumuliński, Kamil Kawałko, Wojciech Troć, Łukasz Zieja, Agnieszka Orłowska, Anna Jawor, Dominika Szymczyszyn, Justyna Czerniecka, Jakub Czerniecki, Anna Cioch, Michał Kornet and Katarzyna Deptuś. Then the best players were Wojciech Różyło, Kamil Marczewski, Karolina Jackowska and Łukasz Jurny. Now the best players include Monika Bizior, Grażyna Teresińska, Tomasz Tymura.
„Return” is a family and multigenerational club, whose members are friendly and direct with people. Both local authorities and Polish Tennis Association in Warsaw appreciate the work and achievements of the Club. During his visit in 1997 Bogdan Tomaszewski, an outstanding reporter and expert in tennis wrote the following wor0ds in the Club’s chronicle:
„Thank you for your invitation to „Return” Tennis Club very much. The atmosphere in the Club is more friendly than in the biggest clubs in Poland thanks to true tennis players”.